Two Intel NUC servers running Ubuntu

A week or two ago I took the plunge and ordered a pair of Intel NUC systems. Here's what happened next as I worked to build a pair of Ubuntu servers out of the hardware: I ordered the components for two Linux servers from Amazon: Intel NUC D54250WYK [$364.99 each] Crucial M500 240 GB mSATA [$119.99 each] Crucial 16GB Kit [$134.99 each] Cables Unlimited 6-Foot Mickey Mouse Power Cord [$5.99 each] for a total of $625.96 per machine. Because I have a structured wiring system in my apartment I didn't bother with the wifi card. ... Assembly was fast, taking ten or fifteen minutes to open the bottom cover, snap in the RAM and the SSD, and button the machine up again. Getting Ubuntu installed was rather more work (on an iMac): Download the Ubuntu image from the Ubuntu site. Prepare a bootable USB with the server image (used diskutil to learn that my USB stick was on /dev/disk4): hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64.img ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64.iso diskutil un...